Annual Sports Day
December 21, 2023 2023-12-21 11:44Annual Sports Day

Annual Sports Day
The 3 day Annual Sports Carnival of Delhi Public School Bhopal was inaugurated on 19th December 2019 with great enthusiasm and fanfare. The Chief Guest for the event was Mr Abhilash Khandekar, President MP Cricket Association and senior journalist. The other guests included Mr. Faisal Meer, Director Operations, Jagran Social Welfare Society, Bhopal, Mr. Mumtaz Khan, Member, Sports Committee, Bhopal and Mr. Pankaj Kumar Das, Deputy Registrar, Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal. The Chief Guest’s inspection of the parade was followed by march past which was a thrilling sight for the spectators as the proud Dipsites of the four houses marched to the beats of the school band.

After the Meet was declared open, the Meet Flag was raised followed by the ceremonial Oath Taking by Girls Sports Captain Snehal Shirpurkar. The proud national players representing various games ran with blazing torch and finally the Sports Torch was lit by Snehal Shirpurkar. The dignitaries then released the balloons as the symbol of the ascent of DPS Bhopal. The Principal Mrs. Vinita Malik welcomed the gathering. The students displayed various yoga feats and athletic events were also conducted for students of Classes lX and XI. A spectacular horse show also enthralled the spectators. The races and Tug of War competition raised the zeal and spirit of the audience. The Chief Guest, in his address congratulated the students and faculty of DPS Bhopal for putting up a grand show. The grand event culminated with Vice Head Boy Vansh Uppal proposing the vote of thanks.